Corporate Details
Ágora Madera S.L., located at Culleredo, Avenida Vilaboa 162A, 15174 Culleredo, La Coruña, Spain, with CIF number B-70347422, and email legal@agoramadera.com, informs users that the personal data collected through the forms on our website (https://agomadera.com) are included in automated files specifically for users of our company's services.
The collection and automated processing of personal data aims to maintain commercial relations and perform information, training, advisory, and other activities inherent to the company.
This data will only be shared with entities necessary to fulfill the aforementioned purpose.
Ágora Madera S.L. adopts the necessary measures to ensure the security, integrity, and confidentiality of the data in accordance with Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21, which develops this law.
Users have the right to exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition recognized in the aforementioned LOPD. Users may exercise these rights through Ágora Madera S.L.'s user support channels, located at Avenida Vilaboa 162A, 15174 Culleredo, La Coruña, Spain, and via email legal@agomadera.com, in the manner established by law.
The user declares that all data provided to Ágora Madera S.L. is accurate and up-to-date, and commits to maintaining them updated, notifying Ágora Madera S.L. of any changes.
Data Collected by Users of Services
In cases where users upload files containing personal data to shared hosting servers, Ágora Madera S.L. is not responsible for the user's failure to comply with the LOPD.
Data Retention in Accordance with the LSSI
Ágora Madera S.L. informs that, as a data hosting service provider, in accordance with Law 34/2002 of July 11 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI), it retains information essential for identifying the origin of the data stored and the moment when the service began. This retention period is a maximum of 12 months. The retention of this data does not affect the secrecy of communications and can only be used in criminal investigations or for public safety purposes, upon request from judges, courts, or the relevant ministry. Data communication to law enforcement agencies will be done according to personal data protection regulations.
Commercial Communications
In compliance with the LSSI, Ágora Madera S.L. will not send unsolicited promotional or advertising emails or equivalent electronic communications unless previously requested or expressly authorized by the recipients.
For users with whom there exists a prior contractual relationship, Ágora Madera S.L. is authorized to send commercial communications regarding products or services similar to those initially contracted with the client. Users can request to stop receiving marketing information by contacting our customer support channels.
— Last update: September 04, 2024